For a business, solar is often the best way to seize control of high electricity costs. Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity generated by a solar array on the rooftop is one less kWh that the business purchases. Every dollar saved in electricity costs goes right to the bottom line. Now, with solar equipment prices at an all-time low, plus strong solar tax incentives, systems pay for themselves FAST. And with no-money-down financing, an investment in solar power creates a positive cash flow immediately...which continues over the 25+ years of the system’s life.
CUSTOMIZED SOLAR ASSESSMENT. In this case, a 50-kilowatt solar system provides 90% of the business’s electricity usage, saving the company about $7,500 in electricity costs in the first year. Contact us for a free solar assessment for your business. / 330.835.7704
Our bread & butter is the design, installation & maintenance of solar power systems for businesses. Contact us today! / 330.835.7704